August Credit Program

Core English

Designed for both local and international students whose first language is English, or are proficient in English, the August Credit Program’s Core English course will help you to master the English skills required for future success in a broad range of secondary and post-secondary studies.
  • Grade 10 English: ENG2D
  • Grade 11 English: ENG3U 

Grade 10 English: ENG2D
The ENG2D course is designed to extend the range of oral communication, reading, writing, and media literacy skills that students need for success in their secondary school academic programs and in their daily lives. Students will analyse literary texts, interpret and evaluate informational and graphic texts, and create oral, written, and media texts in a variety of forms. An important focus will be on the selective use of strategies that contribute to effective communication. This course is designed to prepare students for the compulsory Grade 11 Academic English course.
Prerequisite: Grade 9 Academic English or equivalent

Grade 11 English: ENG3U
This course emphasizes the development of literacy, communication, and critical and creative thinking skills necessary for success in academic and daily life. Students will analyse challenging literary texts, a range of informational and graphic texts, and will create oral, written, and media texts in a variety of forms. An important focus will be on using language with precision and clarity and incorporating stylistic devices appropriately and effectively. The course is intended to prepare students for the compulsory Grade 12 university or college preparation course. 
Prerequisite: Grade 10 Academic English or equivalent

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Niagara Christian Collegiate (NCC) is an independent, non-denominational Christian school located on the beautiful Niagara River near Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.
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