
  • Event Categories

  1. Sun
  2. Mon
  3. Tue
  4. Wed
  5. Thu
  6. Fri
  7. Sat
  1. 27
  2. 28
  3. 29
  4. 30
  5. 31
  6. 1

    Carleton University Visit

  7. 2
  1. 3
  2. 4

    McMaster University Visit

  3. 5

    Virtual Guest Speaker | Britta Badour

    The ENG1D/2D class welcomes award-winning artist and spoken word poet Britta Badour.
  4. 6


  5. 7

    The City Youth Group

    Location in Wrec Centre on NCC's Campus.
  6. 8

    Western University Visit

  7. 9
  1. 10
  2. 11

    Remembrance Day Assembly

    NCC Chapel
    The community is invited to attend NCC's Remembrance Day Assembly.
  3. 12
  4. 13


  5. 14

    The City Youth Group

    Location in Wrec Centre on NCC's Campus.
  6. 15
  7. 16
  1. 17
  2. 19
  3. 20


  4. 21

    The City Youth Group

    Location in Wrec Centre on NCC's Campus.
  5. 22

    Gym Grand Re-Opening

    5:00pm BBQ in Cafeteria
    6:00pm Ribbon Cutting
    6:30pm Alumni vs Students Basketball Game

    Register Here
  6. 23
  1. 24
  2. 25
  3. 26
  4. 27


  5. 28

    The City Youth Group

    Location in Wrec Centre on NCC's Campus.
  6. 29

    Open House

    Students currently in Grades 5 to 11 are invited to attend NCC for the day! Students will take part in classes, receive a free hot lunch, make new friends and see what attending NCC is all about!

    Register Here!
  7. 30

    Annual General Meeting

    NCC Chapel

About Us

Niagara Christian Collegiate (NCC) is an independent, non-denominational Christian school located on the beautiful Niagara River near Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.
©2023 Niagara Christian Collegiate. All Rights Reserved.